ChatGPT For Educators
Faculty can use ChatGPT to save time on mundane tasks and focus on their time instead teaching and engaging with learners.
Learn MoreLecture Engagement Technology Tools
Faculty working in a synchronous or hybrid classroom can struggle with student engagement.
Learn MoreDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is an intentionally comprehensive way to reach a goal.
Learn MoreInterpreting Plagiarism Detection Tool Results
Faculty using plagiarism detection tools report feeling confused or unprepared about the interpretation of results.
Learn MoreLearning Management Systems: Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced
Faculty can vastly improve their productivity and confidence by having a solid understanding of the learning management system they and their students engage with.
Learn MoreCustom Seminars and Webinars
We recognize that your needs may not fit neatly into a box. While all of the webinars and seminars in our always expanding catalogue are customized for your institution, we also create entirely custom programs specific to your college, university or region.
Learn MoreEnsuring Accessibility in the Online Classroom
As faculty build out and teach courses, they need to be aware of accessibility requirements and they need to be vigilant to ensure accessibility.
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Curriculum Development Solutions
Free PDF download! Discover our instructional design process and our individual service options.